Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Author, Paranormal Investigator and Explorer of Higher Consciousness

Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Experiencer, Explorer of Higher Consciousness

Pilot Mountain 2024

Young Scholar 1967

Anthropologist, Archaeologist, Experiencer, Explorer of Higher Consciousness

Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within

Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within

Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil

Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within

I grew up in an 1850s log cabin in rural North Carolina. The cabin sits above an underground artesian river known as the Appalachian Feathered Serpent in sacred geometry and is also in close proximity to Pilot Mountain, a remnant of the supercontinent Rodinia, circa one billion to 600 million years ago.
Within sacred geometry, Pilot Mountain is one of the vortex generating zones of EarthRings due to the intersection of 2 significant ley lines directly overhead. The Arcadian Ley extends upward from Mexico City into North America and upward to Pilot Mountain. From there, it heads north and crosses the Atlantic to Stonehenge and ultimately to the site of Ancient Troy. The Serpent Ley extends downward from Mt. Shasta, across Serpent Mound in Ohio, down to Pilot Mountain and then extends east thru the Cape Fear River Basin and ultimately out to the center of the Bermuda Triangle. The ley intersection over Pilot Mountain forms the nested EarthRing “The Pilot Mountain Wheel” signifying the mountain’s importance in sacred geometry.
Peter Champoux, spiritual geographer, author and and creator of the original art and science of Gaiagraphy (the patterns of our living Earth) writes:
A nexus of culture and nature, Pilot Mountain, like Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower and Bear’s Lodge, is at a convergence of ley lines. First coined in England, a ley line was seen as an alignment of megalithic standing stones, stone circles, and sacred sites. Simply stated ley lines are alignments of culture and nature, that also possess an energetic signature detected by a dowser, or water witch. Thought to be illogical to believe in invisible lines, one need only cross any state or country border, with an empathic heart, and the truth of its consciousness field becomes apparent.
Along the geologic ‘Fall Line’ between the Coastal Plain and the Appalachian Mountains, Pilot Mountain is a node on a ley whose alignment includes cities and bays from Nova Scotia to the Mississippi Delta. Named the Arcadian Ley, it connects Stone Mountain, Georgia to the Washington Monument, with Pilot at a balance point between the two, speaking to a center, radius, and circular geometry in the land. This same Arcadian Ley courses through: Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Monticello, Atlanta, and Mexico City.
Intersecting the Arcadian at Pilot Mountain at a nearly 90-degree angle, the Serpent Mound Ley is marked by meteor impacts from the center of the Bermuda Triangle to the Mississippi River headwater and beyond. On the same circle drawn by the monuments, the Great Serpent Mound and Cape Fear mark four equidistant points in a circle.
While not ley lines as such, Longitude (culture) and Latitude (nature) speak volumes in their Pilot crossing. Marking time, set by England’s Greenwich Prime Meridian, longitude meridians are telluric earth energies streaming Earth’s magnetic field. Marking the north and south points of this telluric stream are places of warriorship—Paris Island and Krishna Temple in Moundsville, WV. Completing this Pilot wheel-like configuration is the east/west latitude of the 36°30’ parallel. This latitude line of the ‘Missouri Compromise’ that led to America’s Civil War is a latitude with attitude that still divides North and South, Blue and Red as consciousness fields to this day.
In total, a great wheel of culture and nature is seen. One of many such ‘EarthRings’ that bubble from the human-driven membrane consciousness of the ‘Earth-Cell,’ Pilot Mountain serves our Solar System’s biology, transceiving star knowledge and earth wisdom to “all that is.”
A toroidal fountain of earth forces rising from its quartzite pyramid, Jomeokee the Guide, Pilot Mountain is poised as a symbol and spiritual force to bring balance to a divided country and heal the traumas of centuries as this Pilot rises culture and nature to a new octave in its field of unity.
Ley lines are defined as alignments of places of geographical importance for ancient monuments and megaliths, such as the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge. But ley lines are also defined as straight fault lines in the Earth’s tectonic plates where intense magnetic energy is released from the faults creating an electrical current that encompasses the entire planet. Researchers using multiple regression analyses theorize an increase in UFO reports over land mass associated with tectonic strain and the resultant intensified magnetic energy. Some researchers speculate the craft may be using the magnetic ley line energy to traverse our planet. According to the National UFO Reporting Center’s State Index Report for North Carolina, eye witnesses have reported 110 UFO sightings from 1974 to 2019 in multiple areas surrounding towns and cities that lie within the Cape Fear Arch, a geologic feature of tectonic plate activity. Perhaps the tectonic strain emanating from the Cape Fear Arch creates enough magnetic energy to attract alien visitors from outside our solar system; thus providing a power grid and road map for them to navigate the area. If we are encountering UFOs operated by extraterrestrial beings that are 1000s if not millions of years more advanced than humans then why not theorize that a connection exists between Earth’s magnetic energy, ancient sites, ley lines and UFO activity.
One might consider a vortex of energy surrounding my childhood home in light of the kinetic energy produced by the movement of the massive underground Appalachian Feathered Serpent River, the cabin’s close proximity to the Pilot Mountain Wheel and the encompassing Cape Fear Arch. Perhaps this energetically charged environment aids in explaining the spiritually transformative events I have experienced since early childhood; numerous experiences ranging from celestial, transcendental, metaphysical, psychic, paranormal and extraterrestrial.
My earliest event occurred a few weeks before my 6th birthday. I contracted red measles and became extremely ill, and as I languished in a fevered-state I underwent my first near-death-experience (NDE). I left my physical body and flew upwards and away from my home while clinging tightly to the hand of a beautiful being of light. I was taken to an ancient village populated by olive-skinned people and as I walked through the streets and gazed directly into the villagers eyes, my ancient past and familial connection to them became crystal clear. These people had been my family and this ancient village was once my home.
As a very young child, I routinely sat on a small hill behind my house looking west at a perfect view of Pilot Mountain. As I sat looking at the mountain, I found I could leave my body, flying like a bird over the countryside, navigating the Earth’s terrain and gliding down to the top of the mountain. I had a bird’s eye view of the top of the knob and could see the rocks and scraggly trees bent by the winds and passing of time right beneath me. I could see the black ravens nesting among the rocks and some flying around me. I would soar and enjoy the moment, and then turn back towards my home and into my body. I was able to bi-locate to the mountain until the age of 9 and then it seemed to fade away, perhaps from growing older and losing the ethereal and tenuous bond to the other side.
When I was 10 years old, as I lay in bed, two humanoid beings appeared in my room one evening. Each was very beautiful with chiseled features; a male and a female both dressed in black turtlenecks and black tight fitting pants. The male had light brown hair hanging just below his turtleneck and the female had light brown hair, shoulder length with bangs. Standing next to my bed they telepathically communicated they had come to balance my karma from a past life in which I beheaded a sacred white elephant. The male produced a giant timepiece, held it in front of me and communicated when the timepiece struck 12 they would take me. I watched as the hand went around the timepiece from 12 all the way back around to 12. At that moment I found myself floating on my back out thru my bedroom window to a brightly lit room and placed on a table. The male and female stood at the head of the table. I could not see what they were doing, but I sensed some procedure was being performed. The next thing I recall I was back in my room and in my bed. The following morning I awoke to find my neck and head bright red as though I had a severe sunburn or an extremely fine rash. My parents took me straight to the doctor but he could not explain my condition. I remained home from school for nearly 2 weeks until the redness subsided. The experience altered my religious beliefs and my view of reality.
The next event occurred a few months later when I was enjoying a summer evening on the front porch with my parents and 3 siblings. Suddenly my 5 year old brother exclaimed “look”! Across the road to the east sitting silently a few hundred feet above a grove of southern pines was a silver disc. We all jumped to our feet and began talking excitedly about what we were seeing. As we watched in awe, the disc suddenly shot off to the west and out of site in the blink of an eye. The path it took was directly towards Pilot Mountain. Even at that young age, I was not surprised by the direction it took because I knew the power and significance of the mountain.
At the age of 16, I was hospitalized for a routine tonsillectomy and while in the recovery room I had my first out-of-body experience (OBE). I sat up in bed and when I looked down I could see my physical body lying under me. I was quite confused, so I swung my legs around to the side of the bed, rose up and turned around. I was stunned to see myself still lying in bed. I recall all the details; my body in a supine position; blood pressure monitor attached to the upper left arm; nasal cannula snugly in place and the steady beep of the vital signs monitor, while a nurse took notes recording my condition. Sitting in a chair by the bed was my mom, elbows planted firmly on the mattress, eyes closed and in prayer. My sister stood next to her and at the foot of the bed was my brother and sister-in-law. They were all praying. I looked back at the body lying in bed and I felt no connection to it, but I had an overwhelming sense of urgency to get back in. I was drawn back to the physical world by my family's love and prayer.
In my early 30s, I suffered a near-fatal stomach bleed and underwent a transformative NDE. What followed was an incredible 3 day journey to the other side, not through a tunnel to be greeted by deceased relatives and friends, but to a vast emerald-green valley bordered on either side by snow-capped mountain ranges, and directly in the center of the valley stood The Tree of Life. In the blink of an eye, I found myself under the tree, surrounded by every animal imaginable; birds, deer, lions, tigers, elephants, cats, dogs and a very special dog; my dog that had passed away 3 nights before my NDE. I had at last returned to my primordial spiritual home of pure energy and love. I knew this was where I belonged and nothing else mattered. Momentarily, I was pulled back from the brink of death with medical intervention, but soon returned to the other side, and while my physical body lay in the hospital, my spirit self spent the next 72 hours in the place that is called; life-between-lives. When I returned to the physical realm I was forever changed, both mentally and physically.
On June 23, 1989, around 7:00 pm I witnessed a massive, black triangular craft over my current home. The craft sat a few hundred feet above a 350 year old oak tree that is approximately 80 feet tall. The craft was completely silent and did not move for several minutes, and then in the blink of an eye it shot away to the south. The next evening I went out hoping to see it again when I saw 2 young boys walking towards my house looking skyward. I asked what they were looking for and they said the UFO they had seen the evening before. As it turned out, the boys were riding their bikes up the circle towards my house when they saw the UFO. They dropped down and ducked next to the front yard fence until it shot away. The following year as I began graduate school I met with the head of the anthropology department and learned that he and his son lived on the same street as me and had recently moved away. He nonchalantly said “you know my son saw a UFO when we lived there.” He was the dad of one of the young boys.
In 2013, I met physicist & UFO researcher Stanton Friedman who subsequently introduced me to Kathleen Marden, Director of the MUFON Experiencer Research Team. In 2015, Kathleen introduced me to a UFO experiencer in eastern North Carolina. I traveled to that area to conduct an investigation on property reputed to have UFO activity and on June 27, 2015 I experienced approximately 2 hours of missing time. Photo and video evidence documenting the event is located under the Evidence menu tab on this website.
To fully understand this multitude of life-altering experiences, I studied metaphysics, quantum theory, astrology, astronomy, Chaldean numerology, Sacred Geometry, esoteric beliefs, 11:11 time prompt, religion and philosophy. I subsequently obtained certifications in healing touch, past life regression, hypnotherapy, dowsing and shamanism. I also earned undergraduate degrees in anthropology & sociology with minor degrees in archaeology & religion and a Master of Arts in Anthropology with a focus on Mesoamerican archaeology.
I am recently retired from a 30 year career in NIH funded clinical trial research in neuropsychology, hypertension and women’s health. My research career included study protocol and forms development, data programming, data management and data collection. NIH-partnered clinical center site visits and monitoring, and regional and national training. Senior management of all study-related publications including abstract and manuscript review and editorial oversight and project management of trial-participant videos and materials. I am referenced or cited in over 200 peer reviewed medical manuscripts. During my professional career, I operated primarily from the left-brain as an analytical, rational and logical thinker. These characteristics worked well in areas of research requiring high levels of precision and documentation.
In my personal life, I operate primarily from the right-brain. I have a high level of intuition, strong visualization and holistic thinking. These characteristics serve me well as I navigate my way through a lifetime of unexplained paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena that began in childhood and continues today. I am, however, very much grounded both professionally and personally by the scientific method, beginning with the formation of questions, or hypotheses, and then acquiring the knowledge through observations and experiments to either support or disprove a specific theory. A central component of the scientific method is gathering empirical evidence; information acquired by observation or experimentation that is recorded and analyzed as data.
As a result of a lifetime of unexplained phenomena, I formed a paranormal research team in 2008 to conduct on-site investigations at historic locations throughout the southeastern section of the United States. I applied the scientific method to my research with the primary goal of understanding how a deceased population communicates across space and time, and a secondary goal of learning as much as possible about the population's daily life. The basis of my investigative methodology is the principles of archaeology and qualitative-based evidential techniques. The methodology has proven to be very successful and is outlined in the following paper: A Longitudinal Modeling Approach Integrating Archaeology and Anthropology to Haunting Phenomena. The approach is extremely effective as it resonates with an intelligent, interactive population that is not dead, but is conscious, existing in alternate dimensions inside and outside Earth's astral plane. A few years into my investigative research when asking 'who & where are you?' I began to receive responses such as 'other' & 'not human' and 'portal' & 'wormhole.' At that point in my research, it became apparent I was no longer communicating with consciousness coming through from historic timelines, but instead with multidimensional consciousness. The communications led me to a multidisciplinary field of noēsis and quantum theory, bringing together subjective inner knowing, and objective scientific tools and techniques to study the full range of human consciousness.
For the past 15 years I have conducted well over 100 investigations and presented my research and evidence to dozens of professional & student groups including The Rhine Research Center & Institute for Parapsychology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, Salem College, Dept. of Philosophy, Old Salem, North Carolina and the 27th & 28th Annual DragonCon, Atlanta, Georgia. I appeared in the following television series, A Haunting on the Discovery Channel, My Ghost Story & Fright Club on the Travel Channel and co-produced a documentary film entitled Dead History located under the Media tab on this website.
It is with great pride that I was chosen as a contributing co-author to the following books:
Ascension: Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within featuring William Henry (Ancient Aliens) published December, 2022.
Signs: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts featuring Dr. Simran Singh (Executive Director of the Aspen Institute's Religion & Society Program) published March, 2023.
Sound: Profound Experiences with Chanting, Toning, Music and Healing Frequencies featuring Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak (The Keys of Enoch) published May, 2023.
Akasha: Spiritual Experiences of Accessing the Infinite Intelligence of Our Souls featuring Lisa Barnett (Founder of The Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom) published June, 2023.
WITCH: Divine Alignments with the Elements, Energies and Cycles of Nature featuring Rev. Valerie Love (President and Founder Live Your Destiny) published October, 2023.​
GodTalk: Experiences of Humanity’s Connections with a Higher Power featuring Neale Donald Walsch (American Author, NY Times Best Seller of the series Conversations with God) published November, 2023.
Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds featuring Freddy Silva (Researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, crop circles and sacred sites) publication date June, 2024.
Mediumship: Sacred Communications with Loved Ones Across the Veil featuring
Suzanne Giesemann (Teacher of personal transformation) publication date October, 2024.