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Who built this house Paul
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What's your father's name_Paul
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Stewart Family_Yes_1st name_Caleb
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Age Caleb_I'm nine
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What year is it_November 1811
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Child's name_Lisa
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Say it so we can hear you_Caleb
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What kind of games do you play_Pickle
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They say a little girl's been seen around the house is she here_Boy-Caleb-hello
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Whatcha doin
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Red rider - Redcoat
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Little David to Charleston_Water_By boat
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Which war did you fight in_Civil
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00:00 / 00:14
I died_How did you die_War_War
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Step 'em up-Salute-Halt
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Who's in the room-give us a name_Murdoch-Lenny-Baker-McNichols-Neal
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Foundations-what used for_Help them_Help 'em_Piggies_Oink
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So do you have any animals_Puppy yelps
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Cat's name_Here Huggles
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Cat meow_Sounded like a cat meow_Uh huh
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Kittles_Meow_Help her
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Who's in the cabin_Who is it that stays here_ My puppy_Humphrey_Who's Humphrey_Puppy bark
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Is this the room with the little girl_Cat_Can you tell us your name _Sarah
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My name's Pam_What's your name_I'm dead
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Do you want us to go_Lickety split
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Who's the overseer_Phillip_Phillip
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Should I feed them_They're hungry
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What's the boss' name_Phillip Angel
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Foods in the garden_There's okra
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Foods you eat_Steak_Sugar
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Attic for play or work_Freedom
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Who's in here_Frederick
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What are some of the girls' names_Beth
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Did you serve illegal booze in here during Prohibition_Never_Kept it
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Was there a madame_Yes_Ruby_Ruby_Ruby_Hello
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Heard this was a speakeasy high end bordello any girls here with us__Waiting_We bought them
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